
Answers >> Shenzhen >> Culture
  • dward

    Ever heard any Chinese music you liked?

     I like the wistful sound of my neighbour's flute and all that ancient, dreamy stuff that usually includes a flute or a guzhang (that piano-guitar type thing), and i've heard a couple of tunes that I loved, but only a couple and I don't know the names of either of them. Otherwise and on the whole, pretty much everything I hear is chintzy, bubblegum crap. Am I missing something? And could someone please help me understand what the Hell the appeal of Beijing opera is? I mean, I know it's kind of impossible to judge art, one man's meat is another man's poison, and one of my favourite musicians, John Coltrane, played what to me sounded like the worst possible discordant dirge in his later days, but has anyone got a handle on why so many like it? Beijing opera I mean. The whole 'CLANG, CHANG, CLANG, WAIIILLLL, CLANG, CHANG, SCREEEAMM' thing just gets so lost on me.
    9 years agoin Culture-Shenzhen
    Answers(7) Comments(0)
  • eil
    Most of it sounds pretty good to me,
    9 years ago
  • ehme
    Xiao Pingguo is nice, hehehe
    9 years ago
  • aribel
    Love Teresa Teng too...I'[m usually into much more heavier and weirder types of music. smiley
    9 years ago
  • allen
    Most of it sounds pretty good to me, but I have shit hearing. I also have to listen closely or I'll miss a lot of it.
    9 years ago
  • armstrong
    BJ Opera mimics Chinese society. street life here is best described as a discordant wail. Sorry if I offend some with this observation, but it is the simple truth.
    9 years ago
  • ameron
    Chinese people seem to really like high pitched sounds.
    9 years ago
  • Joana
    One of last nights variety shows had lots of music. None of it original. A young champ completely destroyed Radiohead's Creep. Successfully made a version of it without any edge, just plain pop. The rest of the show was different women screaming the same old songs as every year.
    9 years ago

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