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  • Abbas987

    Asking Chinese people about their age

    Okay that might be a stupid question, but anyway... I once read that you don't ask people in China (you don't know well) how old they are. Is that even right? For example I've been chatting with a girl from China lately and now I'm afraid to ask about her name.

    My idea was that probalby you shouldn't ask elderly people about their age but teens or people about your own age shouldn't be that big of a problem, am I right?

    However, I'm feeling quite stupid now. Thanks for your answers!

    7 years agoin General-Shenzhen
    Answers(3) Comments(0)
  • Alice333
    This topic is rather funny. It shows how outdated some textbook material is. When I first started learning my textbooks basically said that the Chinese respect older people and overestimating someone's age was better. Bear in mind that I've only been learning for a few years. Either times change fast, or people need to update their info. Something tells me things have been like this for a while.
    7 years ago
    Don't know where this idea comes from, I get what's your age, how many kids do you have, how much do you earn, what is your rent, what is your disposable income after tax and expenses, how much do you weigh, etc etc.
    7 years ago
  • BOBBYA123

    I don't find the need to ask for people's ages either. It's disrespectful to ask an elder their age. If someone's in school, just ask for their school year. Asking a peer 幾年次 goes hand in hand with asking which schools they went to and their hometowns, and is an indirect way of knowing if they are younger or older than you. Plus it avoids the 實歲 and 虛歲 confusion.

    7 years ago

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